''...Rozle, I must tell you how much I recognize and appreciate all you did for us to make our adventure so wonderful...''

Sherri & Howard Harrison, USA
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Press reports

  • July 2015
    Feel Slovenia on a Harley Davidson
    Feel Slovenia on a Harley Davidson Ljubljana Magazine

    The team of Clutch Harley Tours would like to say thank you to Ljubljana Magazine for putting together such a great report about Clutch Harley Tours in the Summer issue of Ljubljana Magazine.

    The article is published with the permission of Ljubljana Magazine for Clutch Harley Tours. It's not for resale or distribution.

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  • June 2015
    7th Developing Conference of Primorsko - Notranjska region of Slovenia
    7th Developing Conference of Primorsko - Notranjska region of Slovenia Chamber of Comerce and Industry of Slovenia

    The team of Clutch Harley Tours would like to say thank you to the Chamber of Comerce and Industry of Slovenia for recognizing traveling with Harley Davidson motorcycles an example of non-technological innovation in the service industry of Slovenia and invite us to give a talk at the 7th Developing Conference of Primorsko - Notranjska region of Slovenia.

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  • March 2015
    Občutite Slovenijo s Harley Davidsonom
    Občutite Slovenijo s Harley Davidsonom Manja Pušnik, Finance

    The team of Clutch Harley Tours would like to say thank you to Manja Pušnik for putting together such a great report about Clutch Harley Tours in Finance Magazine.

    The article is published with the permission of Finance Magazine for Clutch Harley Tours. It's not for resale or distribution.

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